Kapha is the third and the last dosha. The reason is that kapha is the mildest dosha and creates a minimum imbalance in the body.
Kapha is the third and the last dosha. The reason is that kapha is the mildest dosha and creates a minimum imbalance in the body.
Pitta dosha is the fire dominated dosha responsible for all the heat in the body. Article helps you to understand, prevent, & cure the pitta.
The primary features of vata dosh are dryness, coolness, lightness and more. Substances with opposite qualities help to balance the vata dosha
Tridosha or the three dosha are the forces that run the body’s metabolism. Imbalance destroys the body and balance sustain the body.
What make a meal complete and healthy. Understand how combining foods for good digestion. Avoid eating something you hate its taste or looks.
Important ayurvedic health tips when to drink water. Find out appropriate intake of water and the correct time to drink water during a meal.
Ayurvedic Eating Principles highly values the agni or the digestive fire. Let’s see what these Principles of Ayurvedic Nutrition rules.