Vitamin E is the fat-soluble vitamin that acts as an antioxidant and protects our cells from damages caused by free radicals.
Vitamins consist of a number of chemicals of organic substances that cannot be synthesized by our body but need to be ingested in the diet in small quantities to prevent metabolic disorders.

This essential nutrient is present naturally in many foods also available in the form of dietary supplements.
The term “vitamin E” explains eight different compounds through which Alpha-tocopherol is most common in humans.
Listed are few Vitamin E Benefit, sources
Benefit #1 : Improve skin health

It is a powerful antioxidant that protects our skin from ultraviolet (UV) damages. If it is applied topically then it will reduce inflammation and make your skin look younger.
Vitamin E oil is used in anti-aging creams which help to improve fine lines and wrinkles from the skin. It not only helps to improve your skin structure but it will also make your skin firm and glowing.
Benefit #2 : Protection against diseases
We need good protection and it protects us from many diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases. It helps in the enhancement of our immune system and prevents us from the formation of plaques in our bodies.
Recent researches showed that it is used as a treatment of many degenerative diseases, such as narrowing of the arteries, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer.
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Benefit #3 : Protects Cardiovascular diseases

Gamma tocopherol a form of vitamin E is considered beneficial for cardiovascular functions by enhancing the activity of nitric oxide syntheses, which produces vessel-relaxing nitric oxide.
It does this by trapping the reactive nitrogen species molecules and thus increasing the function inside the tissues of our body.
Recent studies have shown that the supplementation of 100 mg per day of gamma-tocopherol in humans causes a reduction in various risk factors such as reduces the formation of plaques in our arteries and cause a reduction in the level of cholesterol.
Benefit #4 : Fights against Cancer
One of the most dangerous diseases is Cancer and it also possesses anti-cancer qualities.
Gamma tocopherol is more effective than alpha-tocopherol in its growth inhibitory effect on human initial cancer cell lines, on the other side delta-tocopherol has shown growth inhibitory property against mouse mammary lines of the cancer cells.
Gamma-tocopherol stops the growth of cancer cells in cultures through a number of processes. It traps free radicals, comprising the reactive nitrogen species molecules that cause mutation in the cells of the body.
Recent researches showed that gamma and delta tocopherols can prevent colon, breast, lung, and initial stages of cancer. On the other hand, alpha-tocopherol has no such effect.
Benefit #5 : Helps fighting Alzheimer’s disease
Alzheimer’s disease occurs as a result of protein oxidation and lipid peroxidation with a free radical mechanism, where the beta-amyloid protein induces cytotoxicity by a process involving oxidative stress and hydrogen peroxide, leading to neuronal cell death and finally causes Alzheimer’s disease.
Moreover, you should not take Vit E to treat Alzheimer’s without the permission of your physician. Its high amounts can have negative effects.
Benefit #6 : It Boost Immunity
It is verified that Vit E promotes the defense system of our body, enhances hormonal and cellular immune responses, and increases phagocytic functions. It has a prolonged effect on infectious diseases where immune phagocytosis is involved but is less effective in the case of cell-mediated immune defenses.
Supplements of vitamin E significantly increase both cell-mediated and hormonal immune functions in humans, particularly in the elders.
This vitamin also increases resistance to viral diseases in elders, where greater plasma Vit E levels correlated with a decreased number of infectious over a three- year period.
Vitamin E deficiency
Vitamin E deficiency is rare in humans. It occurs almost in people with an acquired condition that impairs their capability to absorb the vitamin and in those persons who cannot absorb dietary fat or have rare disorders of fat metabolism.
Recent studies have shown that alpha-TTP can cause severe Vit E deficiency in human beings.
It can also lead to anemia due to the oxidative damage to the red blood cells, retinopathy, and the impairment of the immune response. If it is not treated then Vit E deficiency may result in cardiovascular diseases, blindness, permanent nerve damage, and impaired thinking. Some studies also suggest that Vit E deficiency can even result in infertility in males.
Vitamin E Deficiency Symptoms
The symptoms of deficiency comprises muscle weakness, sight problems, immune system changes, difficulty in walking as well as a poor sense of balance. Besides these symptoms deficiency can also lead to neuromuscular problems such as dysarthria, an absence of deep tendon reflexes, the loss of both vibratory sensations, and positive Babinski reflexes.
Listed are Some of the Ways to get vitamin E :
1. 1 ounces of dry-roasted sunflower seeds contain 7.4mg of Vit E
2. 1 ounces of dry-roasted hazelnuts contain 4.3mg of Vit E
3. 1 ounces of dry roasted peanuts contain 2.2mg of Vit E
4. 1 ounces of roasted almonds contain 6.8mg of Vit E
5. Half cup of boiled spinach contains 1.9mg of Vit E
6. One medium-sized kiwifruit gives 1.1mg of Vit E
7. Half cup of sliced mango provides 0.7mg of Vit E
8. One medium-sized raw tomato provides 0.7mg of Vit E
Recommended daily allowance
According to the Recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin E
- Both men and women who are more than 14 years old require 15 milligrams (mg)/day of vitamin E
- Lactating women need higher amounts of vitamin E that is 19 mg /day
- Pregnant women also require 15 mg/ day
- 3 years old children require 6 mg/ day
- 4-8 years old require 7mg/ day
- 9-13 years old require 11 mg/ day
- It is very important to take a right or balanced amount of this vitamin otherwise the body may show adverse effects.
We can also say that Vitamin E is an essential that provides you hilarious health benefits. One of the most common and effective ways is to get vitamin E through diet.
Make healthy eating plan using healthy foods to maintain your fitness.
Click on below link to know about Alternative Sources of Vitamin D.
Alternative Sources of Vitamin D