Best yoga for people who have problem to sleep :
Do you have trouble falling asleep at night? There could be several reasons why, but there are also numerous ways in which yoga asanas might help. A regular yoga practice can promote better sleep primarily through reducing stress. Stress is one major cause of poor sleep. It signals the body through neurotransmitters and the hormone cortisol that tell us to be alert.

Sometimes we create more reasons to stress within our minds, even when there is no real and present danger. This leaves us with high energy levels that we do not truly need. Yoga helps reduce the cortisol level in our bodies that keeps us awake and impacts our ability to fall asleep.
Yoga also reduces stress and induces calm by regulating our nervous system. Our parasympathetic nervous system, also known as rest and digest mode, aids digestion and lowers blood pressure. Through connecting with the breath, we activate rest and digest mode of our body. It helps in transition out of fight or flight mode, the mode we are in when we are stressed.
Yoga helps balance the chemicals and hormones in our body. It bring us to a state of homeostasis, allowing us to relax and fall asleep easier. If you cannot do yoga at home then find some alternate ways to do. You can search on google “yoga studios near me” or “core power yoga” to find some yoga teacher. Now a days yoga studio’s also teaches pillates.
Suppose you are looking for some poses to incorporate into a calming nighttime routine. In that case, the following five yoga poses will help promote a more restful and deep sleep by allowing the mind to slow down its chatter and the body to let go of tension:
Child’s Pose (Balasana)

Through Child’s pose (yoga exercises), you can turn your focus inward, focusing on the movement of the breath through the back body. In this pose you can focus on the expansion in the lungs as you inhale, as well as notice where you are carrying tension.
Legs Up the Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)

Also known as Waterfall pose, this pose gets the blood moving in the opposite direction to improve circulation and reduce blood pressure.
Reclined Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)

This yoga pose is a deep hip opener that stretches the inner thighs, lower abdomen, and pelvis. Blankets or bolsters can be placed under the knees for deeper relaxation so that you can focus on the breath with one hand on your belly and the other on your heart.
Extended Puppy Pose (Uttana Shishosana)

Uttana Shishosana asana is almost like the halfway point to Downward-Facing Dog, and it is a deep stretch for the shoulders and spine. In Extended Puppy pose, your heart will be just higher than your head, and this slight inversion helps promote a sense of calm.
Corpse Pose (Savasana)

Savasana is done in a flat neutral position where all tension and body weight are released onto the mat. This pose calms the nervous system, lowers blood pressure, and promotes body awareness, inviting yogis to notice the places where they can let go and welcome in more ease.
Eating healthy also helps reducing stress and boosting good sleep. Please read our article Ayurvedic Eating Principles for an Ideal Ayurveda Diet for more.